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Multimedia insights on population health management and ZeOmega’s solutions.

Talking SDOH and AI With Healthcare IT Today

Talking SDOH and AI With Healthcare IT Today

Healthcare IT Today interviews Pravin Pant, Vice President of Advanced Analytics at ZeOmega, to unearth the value of SDOH and generative AI and the various ways they help improve member engagement, provider satisfaction, and care outcomes.

ZeOmega is Best in KLAS 2022, 2023, and 2024!

ZeOmega Is Best in KLAS in 2022, 2023, and 2024! - Video

ZeOmega is ranked #1 Best in KLAS for Payer Care Management Solutions for the third consecutive year! Our organization achieved the highest score of all care management solution vendors in the “2024 Best in KLAS Software & Services Report,” leading the market category with Jiva, our powerful healthcare enterprise management platform.

ZeOmega’s Jiva for CalAIM

ZeOmega’s Jiva for CalAIM - Video

Is your organization concerned about meeting the requirements of CalAIM? Watch this quick video to learn how ZeOmega covers all your CalAIM needs with Jiva, the industry’s leading healthcare enterprise management platform. Jiva flexes to meet your needs all steps of the way through CalAIM’s multi-year transition.

Jiva Care Quality (CQ) Navigator

Jiva Care Quality Navigator - Video

The Jiva Care Quality (CQ) Navigator is a powerful performance monitoring and analytical solution with an embedded omnichannel workflow that centralizes HEDIS and CMS Stars quality program data, improves care gap closure rates, and empowers value-based care reporting. Learn how the CQ Navigator can help your organization improve care quality, decrease cost of care, and increase revenue.

ZeOmega’s Security & Interoperability Trifecta

ZeOmega’s Security & Interoperability Trifecta - Video

Trust and quality are key ingredients to great healthcare, especially in a digital era bursting with data security and interoperability challenges. So, how does a payer know who to trust? How does any organization posed with a major purchasing decision determine the quality of a solution prior to investing? ZeOmega has taken steps to meet these challenges. Watch this short video to learn why we are the first and only PHM organization to have successfully passed all three comprehensive data security and interoperability testing programs known as the “Security and Interoperability Trifecta."

HealthUnity™ Your Answer to Reducing Prior-Authorization Burdens Between Payers and Providers

HealthUnity Your Answer to Reducing Prior-Authorization Burdens Between Payers and Providers - Video

HealthUnity— ZeOmega’s comprehensive interoperability solution—helps payer organizations prepare for CMS’s new rule, CMS-9123. The primary goal of the proposed rule is to reduce provider-patient burden. It builds upon CMS’s existing Interoperability and Patient Access final rule.

ZeOmega’s Jiva and MCG Cite AutoAuth

ZeOmega’s Jiva and MCG Cite AutoAuth - Video

Jiva is fully integrated with MCG’s Cite AutoAuth resulting in faster authorizations and lower costs. This short video explains the features and functions of this powerful solution and how it will improve the experience of patients and staff while helping your bottom line.

Consumer Engagement – Powered by Jiva

Consumer Engagement – Powered by Jiva - Video

Successful consumer engagement is a data-driven, multi-channel approach that reaches members where they are based on their own behavior, health, and preferences. Jiva can target individual members or entire populations with relevant and data-driven communications across a variety of platforms.

CMS Interoperability and Patient Access

CMS Interoperability and Patient Access - Video

Learn how ZeOmega supports your compliance with the 21st Century Cures Act Final Rule requirements for Interoperability and Patient Access including: CMS compliance requirements and deadlines, The foundational technology, data sets, and use cases to enable Patient Access, Provider Directory, and Payer-to-Payer Data Exchange functionality, How implementing ZeOmega’s FHIR®-based interoperability gateway enhances your Jiva data and experience.

Jiva Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) and SDOH as a Service Identify, prioritize, and address critical social needs with accurate, detailed data

Jiva Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) and SDOH as a Service Identify, prioritize, and address critical social needs with accurate, detailed data - Video

ZeOmega’s Social Determinants of Health solutions put actionable SDOH data right in your population health workflow. Organizations use Jiva SDOH to: Identify more of their vulnerable members, Understand social challenges at the geographic, population, and individual level, Prioritize interventions with customizable rules, Automate care coordination activities, Connect members with third-party social services, Measure the effectiveness of interventions.

Jiva Sentinel Rules Engine Learn One of the Reasons Why Jiva is the Industry’s Leading PHM Platform

Jiva Sentinel Rules Engine Learn One of the Reasons Why Jiva is the Industry’s Leading PHM Platform - Video

There are many differentiators that set Jiva apart from other population health management (PHM) platforms, but one of the biggest is our proprietary Sentinel Rules Engine (SRE). Our SRE has been proven to eliminate 30% or more of manual care management processes, lowering costs of care and improving health outcomes. It is far more comprehensive than any other in existence, and best of all, it is easy to fine-tune to meet your exact needs. Watch this video to learn what makes our SRE is so unique, powerful, and worthy of long-term investment.

Learn How Jiva has Evolved to Enhance the Client Experience

PART 3 OF 3-PART SERIES: Learn How Jiva has Evolved to Enhance the Client Experience - Video

For over 15 years, ZeOmega has been serving health plans, providers, and members—bringing greater health and wellness to communities across the nation. Over that time, our organization has been dedicated to constant improvement and innovation. Jiva, the industry’s leading population health management platform from ZeOmega, has evolved too. Updates and enhancements have not only kept our solutions ahead of the rest, but they have also transformed the client experience along the way. Watch Sandra Hewett, vice president of clinical solutions at ZeOmega, explain how.

Learn Why Jiva Stands Out from Other PHM Platforms

PART 2 OF 3-PART SERIES: Learn Why Jiva Stands Out from Other PHM Platforms - Video

Jiva stands out from the competition, but why? Watch Sandra Hewett, vice president of clinical solutions at ZeOmega, as she explains why Jiva is the most powerful platform on the market to help your organization achieve its loftiest goals. Learn how Jiva uniquely enables you to integrate and aggregate disparate data, use real-time information to ensure care coordination across settings, engage members through the use of mobile tools and data transparency, and more.

Healthwise Discusses Why Its Partnership with ZeOmega Benefits Clients

Healthwise Discusses Why Its Partnership with ZeOmega Benefits Clients - Video

Healthwise builds the world’s best healthcare content and educational solutions to help you turn care moments into lasting relationships. ZeOmega delivers best-in-class care management solutions through Jiva — the industry’s leading population healthcare management (PHM) platform. Together, these platforms save multiple steps for users who are selecting and distributing educational material to members. The result is more time and money returned to your organization. Watch this insightful video to learn how this powerful collaboration can help you improve overall health outcomes.

Watch How Jiva Helps Organizations Overcome Complicated Care Management Challenges

PART 1 OF 3-PART SERIES: Watch How Jiva Helps Organizations Overcome Complicated Care Management Challenges - Video

To support population health management (PHM) programs, you need the help of powerful solutions that integrate disparate data, create actionable intelligence, support holistic care management, and promote stakeholder engagement. Watch as Sandra Hewett, vice president of clinical solutions at ZeOmega, explains how Jiva—the industry’s leading PHM platform—provides the capabilities needed to overcome complicated care management challenges and pinpoint key opportunities for improvement.

Meet Jennifer

Meet Jennifer - Video

Jennifer is a Type 2 diabetic with a history of straying from her prescribed diet. As a result, she frequently visits her ACO’s local Emergency Department. Prior to having Jiva, her ACO was dealing with siloed care information which resulted in Jennifer’s interdisciplinary care team having no idea when—or if—she was admitted to the hospital. But with Jiva, all that has changed. Jennifer’s health information is delivered to the right people, at the right time—helping her care team stay connected, automate care transitions, and improve Jennifer’s overall health.

Kern Health Systems Talks about a Straightforward Implementation Process with ZeOmega

Kern Health Systems Talks about a Straightforward Implementation Process with ZeOmega - Video

Watch as Kern Health Systems (KHS)—a large, California health plan dedicated to improving the health status of members through an integrated managed healthcare delivery system—discusses the organization’s positive experience collaborating with ZeOmega to smoothly implement Jiva. Listen as Administrative Director of Health Services Deborah Murr describes the support given by the ZeOmega team, how they handled Medi-Cal, and a go-live day that flowed without incident.

Kern Health Systems “Loves” Jiva Because of Seamless Integration

Kern Health Systems “Loves” Jiva Because of Seamless Integration - Video

Kern Health Systems (KHS) is a managed care health plan serving more than 240,000 members in California. In this video testimonial, KHS Administrative Director of Health Services Deborah Murr discusses how the Jiva team has been attentive and detailed throughout the implementation process and how seamless integration and single sign-on are changing the way the large organization does business.

Meet COO Maria Perez

Meet COO Maria Perez - Video

Maria Perez is the COO of an integrated delivery network (IDN) providing care for 500,000 people. Lately, her primary concerns have been successfully managing risk and integrating data to enhance population health. Her IDN has pre-established goals in its risk-based contracts, and Maria needs a way to meet—and even exceed—these goals. Watch how she uses Jiva to skyrocket past expectations. With Jiva, a PHM platform with unmatched capabilities for effective value-based care, Maria’s challenges become her wins. Watch how Jiva reduces her IDN’s risk through seamless data integration.

Automating the Authorization Process with InterQual Connect™ and Jiva

Automating the Authorization Process with InterQual Connect™ and Jiva - Video

Payers can now automate medical review and authorization within the existing care management workflow. InterQual Connect™ is the first cloud-based medical review service with authorization connectivity. And, it is integrated into Jiva, the industry leading one-stop-shop for population health management solution from ZeOmega. This collaboration makes it possible for payers to easily automate all authorization requests, even those requiring medical review.

Kern Health Systems Replaces Four Platforms with Jiva

Kern Health Systems Replaces Four Platforms with Jiva - Video

Kern Health Systems (KHS) is a managed care health plan serving more than 240,000 members in California. In this video testimonial, KHS Administrative Director of Health Services Deborah Murr explains why the organization chose Jiva to consolidate four existing, siloed systems it used for case, disease, utilization, and pharmacy management. With Jiva, KHS now has the flexible and extensible solution it needs to: Streamline operational efficiencies, Improve care coordination for a growing Medicaid population, and Accommodate new lines of business.

Automate the Authorization Review Process with Jiva and InterQual Connect™

Automate the Authorization Review Process with Jiva and InterQual Connect™ - Video

The Jiva Population Health Management Solution from ZeOmega now integrates seamlessly with InterQual Connect™ from McKesson Health Solutions. In this informative video, you’ll learn how this partnership helps healthcare organizations easily automate all authorization requests – even those requiring a medical review – directly within existing workflows. See how InterQual Connect pairs the leading InterQual Criteria, now available as a web service, with proven and secure cloud connectivity, and how providers can leverage the Jiva provider portal to submit authorization requests.

Meet Dr. Patel

Meet Dr. Patel - Video

See how Jiva helps his organization assess and address risk to deliver the best care at the right time. Dr. Patel leads a healthcare system with 500,000 lives across a network of 200 primary care physicians. He has discovered that claims information, medical records, and big data don’t provide enough detail to accurately risk adjust his patients. This is why Dr. Patel chose Jiva. It can assess up to 4,000 person-specific data points to help him more accurately predict and prevent adverse events. With Jiva, Dr. Patel is assured that his health system is delivering optimal care.

Meet Anna

Meet Anna - Video

Watch how Jiva connects data to improve her care. As Anna interacts with the healthcare system throughout her life, she leaves behind patches of siloed data that her care team members can’t share. With Jiva, the silos are eliminated and the patches of data become a complete and comprehensive mosaic of everything a care team member needs to know about Anna – including the psychosocial factors that influence her health.

Meet Dr. Joe

Meet Dr. Joe - Video

Watch how Jiva helps providers successfully transition to value-based care. Dr. Joe is making the transition to value-based care, but it has become clear that his EHR alone isn’t going to get him there. It doesn’t provide the holistic patient view and other functionality he needs. After implementing Jiva to work in conjunction with his EHR, Dr. Joe has all of the tools he needs to optimize outcomes, better understand and manage his patient population, and make his shift to value-based care smooth and successful.

Meet Dr. Sue

Meet Dr. Sue - Video

Watch how Jiva helps health plans facilitate value-based care and improve population health. Dr. Sue is the CMO of a large health plan. These days, she has two primary challenges: helping her network providers transition to value-based contracting, and optimally deploying resources to ensure that the organization’s members are receiving the most appropriate care. See how Dr. Sue leverages Jiva to facilitate collaboration and care coordination among providers and other care team members to create a more complete and holistic patient view that helps her achieve both of these goals.