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The Jiva Risk Adjustment Navigator

Digital health care

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ZeOmega’s HCC Reconciliation Solution

The Jiva Risk Adjustment (RA) Navigator is a solution for hierarchical condition categories (HCCs) visualization and analysis. The RA Navigator brings risk adjustment data into the complete member profile, empowering care managers to act. Rather than being a narrowly focused point solution, the RA Navigator is an integrated component of the Jiva enterprise management platform based on source of truth files.

The Jiva Risk Adustment Navigator:

  • Presents current, validated HCCs and recapture opportunities.
  • Leverages cross-functional care teams.
  • Promotes organizational awareness of risk adjustment scores.

Download this product overview today to learn how the Jiva RA Navigator empowers users to ensure risk score integrity, thus maximizing accurate risk payments.

Additional Resources

White Paper: Navigating Risk Adjustment Challenges: Federal Initiatives and Operational Strategies for Healthcare Sustainability

Blog: Navigate Risk Adjustment Challenges in Medicare Advantage

Blog: How to Enhance Risk Adjustment Accuracy

Blog: Strategies & Technology for Risk Adjustment in Healthcare

Blog: Federal Attempts to Rein in Risk Adjustment Overpayments

Blog: The Role of Risk Adjustment in Federal Funding Deficits

Blog: The Value of Risk Adjusted Data

Blog: How Does Risk Adjustment Work?