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ZeOmega SDOH Social Care Platform

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The ZeOmega SDOH Social Care Platform is a set of Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) analytics and workflow tools. This groundbreaking platform aggregates data from a wide variety of government, claims, and assessment sources to provide accurate indications of social risk at a community and personal level. Organizations use the SDOH Social Care Platform  to:

  • Identify health equity gaps
  • Pinpoint SDOH risks/needs across geographic areas and individuals that contiribute to health equity issues
  • Design SDOH campaigns and define social strategy to inform corporate strategy
  • Mitigate health disparities and assure health equity
  • Reinforce evidence-based care
  • Close gaps in care

Additional SDOH Resources:

White Paper: The Social Determinants of Health: Improving Population Health with Data-Driven Insights

Webinar: Minimizing SDOH Confusion: How Do I Focus on What’s Needed?

Webinar: The power of SDOH insights: How data can help providers and payers close care gaps

Webinar: Maximizing Health Equity Outcomes by Leveraging SDOH Insights

Webinar: Leveraging Jiva for Social Care