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CMS-0057: What this CMS prior authorization proposed rule means for payers



Wednesday March 1, 2023 1:00 pm CT

Prior authorizations are intended to manage high quality care yet existing prior authorization processes have failed to deliver efficiency and scalability. Join with ZeOmega’s HealthUnity team to learn what improvements are mandated in CMS’s new proposed rule and how HealthUnity’s Smart Authorization Gateway delivers an end-to-end solution to eliminate inefficiencies and yield tangible improvements for your organization and your partners in care.  



• Understand the requirements from CMS in the new Advancing Interoperability and Improving Prior Authorizations proposed rule (CMS-0057-P).

• The importance of a scalable approach that can function consistently across trading partners.

• How the HealthUnity Smart Authorization Gateway can help payers leverage existing infrastructure to meet the new CMS requirements and ease adoption by providers.